Vertical Regulation

We offer three vertical regulation options: Improve, Partial, and Full.

A couple of hours of regulating plus tuning with the Improve option ($600) can make a substantial difference to playability. It will not, however, attend to anything that requires action removal.

The Partial option ($1,200) accomplishes more but choices still have to be made as to which items receive attention. If some steps can be omitted, a good result can be had at this price.

The Full option is more thorough ($2,400). We remove rest rail, spring rail, and letoff rail, opening the action up for better access. We reshape hammers, tighten screws, lubricate, replace bridle straps and hammer rest cloth, even up hammer friction, steam dampers, and travel and square hammers as needed. Much of this work is done in the shop.

At the piano, we settle wire, fit hammers where there is access, regulate dampers, lubricate key pins, ease keys, and tighten all case and trapwork screws (as access permits). If requested, a Dampp-chaser is installed (extra).

The action is then reassembled, keys leveled, top action and pedals regulated, and piano pitch-adjusted, tuned, and voiced.

If you think it might be time for a regulation or have any questions, please call us at 978-369-0760 or use our contact page
